May 27, 2015
latte popsicles, coffee, milk, popsicles, dessert

So just in case you’re wondering if I’ve been on a coffee recipe kick…yeah…I have been. Being a lover of coffee I do rather enjoy coming up with different ways to enjoy it, especially when summer is imminent and you need a cup of Joe but you also need to cool off too. This eliminates the work behind having to prepare a cup of Joe and also allows you to take a break and cool off on that hot summer day. Just grab your latte popsicles, kick your feet up, and you’re set.

Latte Popsicles


2 – 8 oz cups of coffee (Donut Shop was used for these…Bustello is great too)
1/2 cup milk for popsicle tops + 1/3 cup milk to mix into coffee
3 tsp sugar in the raw for milk + 4 tsp sugar in the raw for coffee



1. Brew the two cups of coffee.

2. In the meantime, stir milk and 3 tsp sugar together and pour just 1/2 inch into the popsicle mold and place in freezer for at least three hours without popsicle sticks and lids.

3. Mix the coffee, milk and remaining sugar in a medium glass bowl and refrigerate to allow to cool.

4. Take the bowl of coffee out of the refrigerator and stir again to make sure all of the sugar has dissolved.

5. Take popsicle mold out and pour in coffee filling the molds to the top.

6. Place popsicle sticks in and top with the mold lid and allow to freeze for 8 or more hours.

7. Run warm water on the undersides of the popsicle mold, unmold, and place in sandwich freezer bags. Enjoy…daily!

Latte Popsicles
Serves 10
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Prep Time
12 hr 10 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
12 hr 15 min
Prep Time
12 hr 10 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
12 hr 15 min
  1. 2 - 8 oz cups of coffee (Donut Shop was used for these...Bustello is great too)
  2. 1/2 cup milk for popsicle tops + 1/3 cup milk to mix into coffee
  3. 3 tsp sugar in the raw for milk + 4 tsp sugar in the raw for coffee
  1. Brew the two cups of coffee.
  2. In the meantime, stir milk and 3 tsp sugar together and pour just 1/2 inch into the popsicle mold and place in freezer for at least three hours without popsicle sticks and lids.
  3. Mix the coffee, milk and remaining sugar in a medium glass bowl and refrigerate to allow to cool.
  4. Take the bowl of coffee out of the refrigerator and stir again to make sure all of the sugar has dissolved.
  5. Take popsicle mold out and pour in coffee filling the molds to the top.
  6. Place popsicle sticks in and top with the mold lid and allow to freeze for 8 or more hours.
  7. Run warm water on the undersides of the popsicle mold, unmold, and place in sandwich freezer bags. Enjoy...daily!
Florida Girl Cooks
latte popsicles, coffee, milk, popsicles, dessert


author: Teresa Gonzalez

Teresa is a South Florida native who is a photographer that also has a passion for food. She's a seeker of sunshine, lazy days at the beach, and exquisite food.