yogurt fig popsicles – Florida Girl Cooks http://floridagirlcooks.com Seeker of sunshine + exquisite food Sun, 03 Feb 2019 18:29:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.1.1 96532064 YOGURT FIG POPSICLES http://floridagirlcooks.com/yogurt-fig-popsicles/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:07:41 +0000 http://floridagirlcooks.com/?p=222 If you know me on a personal level then you know how deep my passion is for figs. You’ll also know that passion is so deep that I have a brown turkey fig tattooed ...

The post YOGURT FIG POPSICLES appeared first on Florida Girl Cooks.

If you know me on a personal level then you know how deep my passion is for figs. You’ll also know that passion is so deep that I have a brown turkey fig tattooed on me inner left wrist. The meaning for that tattoo is much deeper that that of the culinary but I will leave that story for another day. I tried my first fig in New Jersey in 2008 off of a tree at a friend’s relative’s house and instantly fell in love. I came back to Florida knowing one day I had to have my own fig tree. So cue in 2010 and our new house…it was a definite that we were to plant a fig tree in our back yard.

Four years later it is a wonderful tree that is mainly summer bearing but does bear fruit all year round! The tree must know just how much I love figs!!! So combine my passion for figs and my obsession for ice cream and bam! You get these delectable, healthy, and refreshing yogurt fig popsicles that are sure to make your summer much cooler, or any season for that matter! Enjoy these tasty sweet treats!

yogurt fig popsicles, figs, ice cream, summer

Yogurt Fig Popsicles


1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 vanilla bean
1 1/2 cup sour cream
5 figs thickly sliced


1. Slice the figs so they are rather thick, like the thickness of two quarters.

2. Seed the vanilla bean by pressing it flat against a cutting board and then slicing it in half. Using a butter knife, slide it across the inside of each half, scraping out the seeds.

3. Add the milk and sugar to a medium sauce pan and warm the mixture over a low heat, just til the sugar is fully dissolved.
4. Add the vanilla bean and then the sour cream. Whisk the mixture until it completely smooth.
5. Transfer the mixture to a large measuring cup and let it cool in the refrigerator for about an hour.

6. Fill each popsicle mold with about an inch of the sour cream mixture and insert the popsicle sticks. Let set in the freezer for about an hour.
7. Divide the sliced figs amongst the molds and fill with the remaining mixture.

8. Place popsicles in the freezer until solid.

Yogurt Fig Popsicles
Serves 10
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Prep Time
13 hr
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
13 hr 30 min
Prep Time
13 hr
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
13 hr 30 min
  1. 1 1/2 cup milk
  2. 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  3. 1 vanilla bean
  4. 1 1/2 cup sour cream
  5. 5 figs thickly sliced
  1. Slice the figs so they are rather thick, like the thickness of two quarters.
  2. Seed the vanilla bean by pressing it flat against a cutting board and then slicing it in half. Using a butter knife, slide it across the inside of each half, scraping out the seeds.
  3. Add the milk and sugar to a medium sauce pan and warm the mixture over a low heat, just til the sugar is fully dissolved.
  4. Add the vanilla bean and then the sour cream. Whisk the mixture until it completely smooth.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a large measuring cup and let it cool in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  6. Fill each popsicle mold with about an inch of the sour cream mixture and insert the popsicle sticks. Let set in the freezer for about an hour.
  7. Divide the sliced figs amongst the molds and fill with the remaining mixture.
  8. Place popsicles in the freezer until solid.
Florida Girl Cooks http://floridagirlcooks.com/
yogurt fig popsicles, figs, ice cream, summer

yogurt fig popsicles, figs, ice cream, summer

The post YOGURT FIG POPSICLES appeared first on Florida Girl Cooks.
